Residence booking


Get ready to make a profit with RentPlanet! 

Apartment management – Warsaw

Monthly profit

We provide the highest rental income for the flats
and regular monetary transfers to the owners each month.

Highest prices

We achieve the highest stay prices through proven
methods of maximising revenue and optimising occupancy.

Saving time

We manage the rental of apartments in Warsaw and generate
a high profit, while you have more time for other professional activities.

Comprehensive management of short-term rentals in Warsaw

Our offer includes:


We present and offer apartments for rent through the platform, and other popular booking sites, as well as our own platform.

Modern marketing

We are at your guests’ disposal and look after their comfort and safety 24/7/. We offer service in several languages.

24-hour guest service

We manage rental prices to make the most of your apartment’s potential, optimise occupancy and increase the average rental price.

Dynamic changes in rental prices

We look after your apartment at all times. We provide a cleaning service and necessary repairs to take the chore of looking after your property off your hands.

Care and service

We prepare your flat for rental so that it meets all your guests’ expectations and rents quickly and at the highest prices.

Professional home staging


Tenancy management in Warsaw step by step

Here is what working with us looks like. You just need to take only a few simple steps!

STEP 01 / 05

Signing of a contract for the apartment management in Warsaw and handover of the premises to RentPlanet.

STEP 02 / 05

Professional preparation of the apartment for rental.

STEP 03 / 05

Marketing and selling stays on RentPlanet,, AirBnb, Expedia and many others, as well as on our own platform.

STEP 04 / 05

Apartment rental management and 24/7 service in Warsaw.

STEP 05 / 05

Highest profit and more free time on your hands!

What sets us apart from the competition?

At RentPanet, we use the latest technology. This allows us to accommodate more guests in your apartment and guarantee their complete security.

Our modern approach to short-term rental management allows us to optimise many operational processes and increase the rental income of your property.

Revenue management system

We use millions of pieces of data to accurately determine the price of an apartment rental depending on seasonality, location, equipment standard and even the weather!

RentPlanet web application

Thanks to a dedicated web application, apartment owners have constant access to monitoring bookings and billing.

Smart locks

We offer RentingLock smart electronic locks that allow you to manage access to your apartment through unique codes generated for the duration of a stay.

Online check-in cards

We guarantee a secure online check-in, which guests can use without having to contact the reception desk face-to-face.

On what terms do we rent apartments in Warsaw?

Engage in transparent cooperation

At RentPlanet we work with our partners on a commission-based system. We take on all the responsibilities related to managing apartments for rent in Warsaw so that their owners don’t have to deal with keeping a booking calendar or answering phone calls from their guests. As part of the contract, we provide:

  • full processing of rental payments
  • monthly analysis of revenues
  • billing and remuneration always on time.

Why use our apartment management company in Warsaw?

Get ready to make a profit!

At RentPlanet, we professionally and efficiently manage short-term rentals of apartments in Warsaw. Thanks to many years of experience in the tourism industry, we maximise the profit of development companies, investors and individual owners of apartments and flats for rent.

RentPlanet is:

  • More than 350 000 visitors served
  • More than PLN 130 million bookings handled
  • Over 1,200 apartments and flats in Poland’s most popular cities and resorts
  • Several locations served in Poland
  • 15 years of experience in the property rental industry!