Residence booking


Get ready to profit with RentPlanet!

Get ready to profit with Świeradów-Zdrój

High profit every month

For years, we have been obtaining a high income for owners of apartments managed by RentPlanet. We guarantee regular transfers every month.

Maximum stay prices

Our well-thought-out strategy of optimizing occupancy and maximizing revenues allows you to achieve the highest possible prices for staying in your apartment.

Free time for you

When we manage apartments in Świeradów-Zdrój, generating high income, you can enjoy your free time.

Comprehensive short-term rental management in Świeradów-Zdrój

Short-term rental management in Świeradów-Zdrój brings high income thanks to properly profiled elements of our offer, which include:


We offer apartments prepared for rent through our platform as well as the most popular booking websites in the world.

Effective marketing

We ensure the comfort of your guests’ stay and we take care of their safety 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. We speak with guests in several languages.

Comprehensive guest service 24/7/365

We fully use the potential of your apartment. We manage occupancy and set rental prices so as to get the maximum profit for you.

We take care of your apartment non-stop. We provide thorough cleaning and repair of minor defects. You don’t have to look after your property every day, you have more time for yourself.

Professional care and service

We know the expectations of guests. That is why we always prepare your apartment for rent so that it is attractive and rents quickly. At the highest prices.

Effective home staging


Lease management in Świeradów-Zdrój step by step

Cooperation with RentPlanet is a few simple steps!

STEP 01 / 05

Signing a contract for the management of apartments in Świeradów – Zdrój and handing over the premises to RentPlanet.

STEP 02 / 05

Proper preparation of the apartment for rent by RentPlanet (home staging).

STEP 03 / 05

Modern marketing and sale of stays on our booking platform, We also promote your apartment on popular booking portals such as Expedia,, AirBnb and many others.

STEP 04 / 05

Management of renting apartments in Świeradów-Zdrój and 24/7 guest service

STEP 05 / 05

Maximum profit and more freedom for you!

What distinguishes us from the competition?

At RentPlanet, we know how to use the latest digital technologies to increase your profit. It is thanks to their use that we can accommodate a larger number of guests in your apartment and ensure their complete safety.

Modern strategies in short-term rental management enable us to optimize many operational processes. This brings much more income from renting your property.

Systematic revenue management

In order to determine the highest possible price for renting your apartment, we constantly analyze millions of data. The rental price is influenced by factors such as location, standard of equipment, season and weather forecasts.

RentPlanet web application

For 24 hours a day, apartment owners have constant access to real-time billing and booking monitoring. This is possible thanks to our special web application.

Electronic locks

Apartments managed by RentPlanet are equipped with RentingLock electronic locks of our production. Thanks to the fact that the locks generate unique codes for the duration of the guests’ stay, we can manage access to the apartment efficiently and remotely.

Online check-in

To start their dream stay, guests do not need to contact the reception directly, because RentPlanet provides maximum secure online check-in.

On what terms do we rent apartments in Świeradów-Zdrój?

Favorable terms of cooperation

At RentPlanet, we offer apartment owners a commission system of real income distribution. We are responsible for all duties related to the management of apartments for rent in Świeradów-Zdrój. The owners of the apartments do not worry about keeping a booking calendar and servicing guests. As part of the contract with RentPlanet, we provide:

  • transparent handling of payments related to renting apartments
  • detailed analysis of revenues each month
  • fair settlements and remuneration always on the agreed date

Why use our apartment management company in Świeradów – Zdrój?

Get ready to make a profit!

RentPlanet has been managing short-term rental of apartments in Świeradów-Zdrój for many years. Thanks to our extensive knowledge and experience in the tourism industry, we are able to increase the profits of investors and developers as well as private owners of flats and apartments for rent.

RentPlanet is today:

  • More than 350 000 visitors served
  • More than PLN 130 million bookings handled
  • Over 1,200 apartments and flats in Poland’s most popular cities and resorts
  • Several locations served in Poland
  • 15 years of experience in the property rental industry!